Afghan migrant goes on stabbing spree and butchers cop at anti-jihad rally

Citizens’ Movement, Pax Europa (BPE), is a German-based activist group that raises awareness about “the human rights violations caused by political Islam and about the existential threats that the increasing spread and influence of political Islam poses to free, democratic societies.”

BPE was preparing for an anti-jihad demonstration in the southwestern German town of Mannheim on Friday. Before the rally could begin in the
supposed knife-free zone, an Afghan migrant armed with a hunting knife affirmed the activists’ worst fears.

Sulaiman Ataee, 25, left Afghanistan for Europe as a teen and has been living in Heppenheim, Hesse, with his wife and two children.

“He was inconspicuous, we greeted each other normally,” one neighbor
told Bild. “But recently, about the last year, I noticed that he had changed. Before, he was helpful, then he suddenly became colder. He was suddenly more withdrawn. And also more aggressive.”

Ataee’s guise of assimilation fully slipped Friday when he savagely attacked BPE activist and German politician
Michael Stürzenberger, 54, along with four other demonstrators — ages 25, 36, and 42 — with a knife just before noon.

A German police officer, identified by German media as Rouven L., rushed to intervene, reflexively tackling one of the anti-jihad activists.
According to German authorities, after intervening, Rouven was “attacked by the suspect and stabbed several times in the head from behind.”

Graphic footage of the incident shows the bearded radical — whom Bild deemed a “fanatical Islamist” — sneak up on the officer who had tackled the BPE activist, then slit the officer’s throat. Another cop responded just a moment too late, laying out the radical with a well-placed bullet.

All of the victims were taken to the hospital with serious injuries.

Rouven underwent emergency surgery and was placed in an artificial coma. He ultimately
succumbed to his injuries Sunday afternoon. The GoFundMe campaign for Rouven’s family has raised over $409,737, despite initially only asking for around $22,000.

noted on Facebook that Stürzenberger survived a stab to the thigh, a stab to the leg right above the knee, an injury to the upper arm, and a “gaping open wound” in the side of his face, underscoring this was “what a single Afghan ‘refugee’ can do with a knife.”

The Islamic terrorist alternatively survived his shooting by police. State police raided Ataee’s apartment Saturday and confiscated computers and storage devices.

The Daily Mail
reported that some neighbors indicated that the killer’s wife disappeared before the raid and may have known what Ataee planned on doing.

‘In major German cities we have a problem with certain young men with a migrant background who despise our state.’

Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann
told SWR News, “All our thoughts are with the family, relatives and colleagues. The pain of such a cruel loss out of nowhere is hard to measure.”

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser
called for unity “against Islamist terror and for our free society.”

Faeser also stated, “If the investigations reveal an Islamist motive, this would be a further confirmation of the great danger posed by Islamist acts of violence.”

Blaze News
previously reported that German and Dutch officials captured four Hamas terrorists in December believed to have been plotting an attack against “Jewish in Europe.”

Following Germany’s annual migrant riot, Faeser said in January 2023, “Good politics must clearly state what is happening: In major German cities we have a problem with certain young men with a migrant background who despise our state, commit acts of violence and are hardly reached by education and integration programs.”

‘His death shows what hatred and incitement can do.’

Mannheim Mayor Christian Specht
said in a statement, “Political extremism has no place in our urban society.”

While the BPE activists were attacked along with the officer, Specht appeared to implicate them in Rouven’s demise,
stating, “His death shows what hatred and incitement can do.”

Despite his jab at the citizen victims, Specht
reminded local radicals that “violence has no place in our city and must never play a role in political debate — no matter how opposing the positions may be.”

Specht also implored everyone to unite once again behind the mantra of “diversity” and to “avoid any division.”

“I am deeply saddened that the brave police officer succumbed to his serious injuries after the terrible attack in Mannheim,”
tweeted German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

said in a subsequent message, “The police officer killed in Mannheim defended the right of all of us to express our own opinions. If extremists want to restrict these rights by force, they must know that we are their toughest opponents. We will use all the means at our disposal under the rule of law.”

Scholz and other German politicians were barraged with criticism online for having created the environment and set the policies that would permit radicals to pour into the country from abroad.

While establishmentarians were hounded for resuming their “diversity” mantra in the aftermath of another potentially avoidable terrorist attack, Islamic radicals celebrated the stabbings on social media.

SWR News indicated Baden-Württemberg’s Interior Minister Thomas Strobl had to condemn a popular video on TikTok wherein radicals called for the murder of “all ex-Muslims and every critic of Islam.”

According to SWR News, one of the victims is a German-Kazakh citizen; another is an Iraqi citizen; and three others are Germans.

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