A history lesson on the Democrat Party

The Democrat Party and its media allies are hell-bent on convincing the American people that it’s Trump and the Republicans who are racist.

But Mark Levin thinks a history lesson is due.

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“The Civil War was fought between the North and the South, the Confederacy and the Union, between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party was the party of slavery; its generals after the Civil War formed the Ku Klux Klan,” which “was always an appendage to the Democrat Party,” he says.

Later, “it was the Democrat Party that supported segregation,” he continues, pointing to Plessy v. Ferguson, during which a Democrat administration determined that separate but equal was equal, as an example.

Levin also points to Democrats’ great hero — Franklin Roosevelt — who refused to sign a bill that would have outlawed lynching because it would have cost him Democrat votes in the South.

“Woodrow Wilson — another horrendous segregationist and racist — he resegregated the military, resegregated the Civil Service after Taft and Roosevelt had desegregated them,” he reminds, adding that Wilson also “required that people provide a photograph with their applications for jobs” because “his order would not hire black people.”

That’s your Democrat Party,” says Levin.

To hear more about the history of the Democrat Party and how it’s changed over time, watch the clip above.

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