MAGA Republicans Are Trying To Boycott The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade


Stephen Miller’s MAGA group America First Legal is trying to stage a boycott of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade because they are accusing Macy’s of discriminating against straight white men.

America First Legal tweeted:

/1 Before you tune into the Thanksgiving Day Parade or go Black Friday shopping at @Macys, you should know that Macy’s appears to maintain policies that perpetuate illegal racial discrimination — denying career advancement to white straight men.

Macy’s “DEI” report states:

— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) November 21, 2023

America First Legal claims in its complaint that Macy’s is engaging in racial discrimination through its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies.

Macy’s is trying to hold that long discriminated against group of Americans known as straight white men down.

This frivolous complaint is a dog whistle to straight white men from America’s Next Top Incel, Stephen Miller. Trump and his minions know that they have zero chance of returning to power without getting straight white men afraid and angry. The complaint against Macy’s is an attempt to do exactly that.

MAGA was never about economic anxiety or any of the other cover stories. MAGA is a political movement that is trying to stop the demographic progress of American society. MAGA is the wail of scared white men who are afraid that they are going to lose their power.

Macy’s joins every black prosecutor that is prosecuting Trump in being accused of racism by MAGA.

Straight white men losing a tiny sliver of the advantage that they had for hundreds of years in the United States isn’t racism. It’s progress, and progress is what terrifies Trump and MAGA the most.

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