Durbin pushes voting rights for illegal aliens without public consent

It’s time for choosing — and when it comes to noncitizen voting, Congress is not waiting until November. American voters better get into the game before the tables are irrevocably turned against us.

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and his fellow Senate Democrats recently sent a letter to Joe Biden demanding a quick path to legal status for the more than 10 million illegal aliens who have entered the United States since 2021.

Those who say the threat of noncitizen voting is unfounded either aren’t paying attention or are simply lying.

Durbin is no fringe character. He is the majority whip, the second-highest-ranking Democrat in the Senate, and a 27-year incumbent from a deep blue state. Undefeatable in Illinois, he’s rumored to be ready to retire. Democrats are looking for a suitable Marxist to replace him. So Durbin has nothing to lose by planting the far-left flag for his party. With this letter, Durbin is laying out the party line on immigration heading into November 2024.

Do I have your attention?

States have already been denied access to federal migrant tracking databases, thereby preventing comprehensive voter registration citizenship checks.

We are already registering millions of new arrivals for federal social service programs, which have voter registration attached by mandate of the National Voter Registration Act. Those who say the threat of noncitizen voting is unfounded either aren’t paying attention or are simply lying.

Could Durbin’s missive lead to an executive order granting amnesty and citizenship status? Absolutely.

Read Durbin’s list of demands for yourself. He demands the millions who came here illegally be granted a quick path to legal status, and he wants U.S. taxpayers pay for it. He demands full citizenship rights, which would include the right to vote. He demands that America change forever, without citizens ever having a vote or even a say about it.

With a president and Senate already in alignment, a fractured House hanging by a one-vote majority, the border situation growing worse by the day, and a federal government aiding and abetting the lawlessness, the stakes are too high for American voters to stay silent.

It’s time to start making a few demands of our own. Demand answers. Demand to know whether your senators and representatives agree with Durbin on the extreme demand that we grant quick legal status to over 10 million illegal immigrants. Demand that they state their position publicly. Demand that states be given access to federal data that will allow for efficient citizenship verification. This can all be done before the November election, but there is no time to waste.

Election integrity is not an issue in 2024; it is the issue. Engage. Speak out. Demand leadership.

Save the vote, save America.

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