Glenn warns: All 7 conditions for an American color revolution have been met

There are seven conditions that must be met for a color revolution to successfully topple a government, and it all must revolve around a national election.

The timing couldn’t be more ripe as America heads into one of the most tumultuous and important elections we’ve seen in our lifetime. Not only that, but according to Glenn Beck, we currently meet all seven conditions.

The first condition is a “semi-autocratic regime.”

“We’re not a fully autocratic regime, and that’s not what you need. You need a semi-autocratic regime,” Glenn explains.

The second condition is an “unpopular incumbent.”

As Joe Biden’s disastrous polls reflect, we can definitely check that one off on the list.

The checklist goes on, with number three being a “united and organized opposition” and number four “an ability to quickly drive home the point that voting results were falsified,” which then begets number five: “media to inform people about the falsified vote.”

Number six is the “opposition capable of mobilizing thousands of demonstrators,” and last but not least, number seven is “divisions among the regime’s coercive forces,” which are military and police.

“They’ve got a fully united opposition, they’re prepared to drive home the point that the election was illegitimate. Hillary Clinton has been saying that just about every week since 2016,” Glenn says.

“Listen to the media; they’re already planting the seeds again,” he adds. “It’s never been more biased.”

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