Tide is turning on support for transgenderism, just in time for ‘Pride Month’

There was a point in time when nearly half the population was willing to accept the core claim of transgenderism: that an individual’s sex and gender could differ. Title IX was
transmogrified to enshrine this claim and virtually every federal agency and every major corporation ritually reiterate acceptance. However, it appears the masses are now beginning to walk back their support.

The Pew Research Center
released a report Thursday indicating that 65% of American adults surveyed in April said that an individual’s gender is biologically determined.

Ninety percent of Trump supporters and 39% of Biden supporters answered that gender is biologically determined. Among Biden supporters, this was also the answer given by 64% of black people, 46% of Hispanics, 32% of whites, and 27% of Asians.

‘The share of voters who say that sex at birth determines whether someone is a man or a woman has increased since 2017.’

The rejection of social constructivists’ core premise by two-thirds of registered voters represents a continuation of a multi-year trend.

“The share of voters who say that sex at birth determines whether someone is a man or a woman has increased since 2017, and this increase has occurred within both parties,” said the report.

Pew indicated that in September 2017, 53% of registered voters said gender corresponds with biological sex. Forty-five percent alternatively said sex and gender can be distinct. In 2021, the percentage of Americans affirming that gender was determined by sex increased to 56%. The number rose another four percentage points in 2022.

Between 2017 and 2024, belief that gender and sex could be distinct slipped among Democrats and Democratic-leaning respondents by 9 percentage points. During the same time period, there was a 12-point drop in belief among those in the Republican or Republican-leaning camp, from 20% to 8%.

The majority of American voters, 56%, are also now apparently uncomfortable when it comes to the description of individuals using plural pronouns — “they” or “them” as opposed to “he” or “she.”

While 66% of Biden supporters — including 69% of white, 68% of Hispanic, and 72% of Asian backers — don’t mind referring to men or women as genderless pluralities, once again, black supporters are not with the program. Fifty-five percent of black Biden supporters expressed discomfort using “they/them” pronouns.

The supermajority of Trump supporters evidently would prefer to refer to people as they are, especially those 50 or older.

There have been other indications in recent months and years that support for the LGBT agenda has been waning.

The Public Religion Research Institute interviewed over 22,000 American adults last year for its so-called American Values Atlas and
found that support for homosexual “marriage” dropped by 2 percentage points; support for nondiscrimination protections dropped by 4 points; and opposition to Americans refusing services based on their deeply held religious convictions dropped 5 points.

Melissa Deckman, CEO of the institute,
told PBS News that the decline was “largely driven by party polarization.” Deckman also attempted to associate the decline with so-called “Christian nationalism.”

Blaze News
previously noted that Canada has also witnessed a decline. A recent Ipsos survey indicated there were “precipitous drops” in support for so-called LGBT rights. Support for overt displays of sexual preferences and so-called gender identity dropped by 12% since 2021.

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