Stonehenge vandalized by climate terrorists!

Climate activists love to demonstrate their fidelity by vandalizing the environments they claim to love.

Brilliant strategy, said no one ever.

Last Wednesday, “Just Stop Oil,” a climate activism group notorious for disruptive protests, decided the best way “to demand that the UK government commits to signing the Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty and … stop burning fossil fuels by 2030” was to spray orange paint all over Stonehenge the day before the solstice.

But don’t worry, the paint was made of cornflower and therefore completely harmless.

Or was it?

Climate Terrorist VANDALIZE Stonehenge!

The brain behind the operation, 21-year old Oxford student Niamh Lynch, justified the demonstration in a video, in which she said, “These stones have stood here for 5,000 years. What will the world look like in 5,000 year’s time? What will our legacy be? … We end the fossil fuel era or the fossil fuel era ends us.”

“Well, I can tell you that your legacy will be … that everyone will hate your movement because you’re so insufferable,” Sara Gonzales fires back.

In response to the vandalism, @StonehengeU.K tweeted:

Looks like Just Stop Oil might’ve actually contributed to the damage they’re supposedly trying to prevent.

“Let’s cause destruction under the auspice of doing good. Let’s burn America down and say it’s peaceful,” mocks Jaco Booyens, BlazeTV contributor and host of “The Bottom Line.”

“[Lynch is] a completely indoctrinated human being that is not capable of making any logical sense whatsoever,” he adds.

Sara, however, speculates that this level of climate absurdity may be more complicated than we realize.

“I read this awesome conspiracy theory that I totally am bought into that … the climate activists are actually a psyop that was put on by Big Oil to get people to hate the climate change activists,” she says.

To hear the rest of the theory, watch the clip above.

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