Weekend Watch: Requiem for a reluctant scream queen

Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 adaptation of “The Shining” is clearly Jack Nicholson’s movie. The part of Jack Torrance seems tailor-made for Nicholson, allowing him to take his crowd-pleasing, devilish charm and turn it into something much darker. In fact, this is why Stephen King famously disliked Nicholson in the role. A less charismatic actor would have…

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What Was The Most Pointless Automotive Partnership?

Automakers will often team up with non- automotive companies for things like special edition cars, merch, etc. Sometimes the partnerships make sense. Remember Subaru’s L.L. Bean editions or Ford’s Eddie Bauer Explorers and Expeditions? Other times they come across as trying too hard—take Cadillac’s Bulgari… Read more…

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